Let's address your queries.

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How long does it take to ship my order?

Typically shipping and delivery takes around 10-12 business days.

We only use trusted local courier services.

Do I have to pay for import taxes & duties?

Let us worry about that, all you have to do is sit back & relax.

Import taxes, duties and shipping are included in our retail price.

Are the watches covered under warranty?

All our watches are covered under the warranty of our brand partners.

Fret not, we are here to serve - for any warranty claim or repairs, reach out to us.

Can I view the watches in person?

We believe in checking the fit always. Currently we provide viewing by appointment basis for selected models, serving Klang Valley area.

How can I be assured of the build?

All watches are meticulously tested, double-checked for quality assurance and come with original certification from our brand partners.

We are authorized distributors for all listed brands.

I have not received my parcel. What can I do?

If there is a discrepancy in delivery status, reach out to us immediately.

What are the mechanisms behind a watch?

We're glad you asked. Let's start with the basics. Check out this link with detailed explanation and animation by Bartosz Ciechanowski.